brix:papilio 7.0 – New Release
by Roland Kannappel
13. June 2019 5 minutes
Features for all users
- Additional columns with order information can be selected in the list of orders. Each user can configure the view individually — with relevant information about an order.
- Post-rendering is now possible during the ordering process in order to comply with the various PDF standards of print service providers. The authorized user can choose between different rendering profiles.
- A file with additional information can now be attached to an order.
- In fields with predefined texts (fixed texts), an option can now be activated that still allows parts of the text within curly brackets to be edited .

Features for graphics and layout
Text style editing
- More flexible setting of line color (underlined, strikethrough), text highlighter and space spacing (for justification), as well as selection of an alternative fill color
- Design of table-like text blocks with tabs including alignment (left-aligned, center-aligned or right-aligned) and distance (relative or absolute) to the next tab

Element style editing
- Empty text elements can be excluded from rendering (thus the whole block disappears).
- Scaling for the minimum font size can be set globally or locally.
- Setting the blend mode of an element (which allows more advanced crossfading effects / transparencies)

Further optimizations
- It is now possible with the «unused» filter to display unused elements.
- The text group editing now allows an extended selection of inline element types.
- An image focus can now be set (e.g. with the brix CELUM Extension Focal Point Setter) to prevent important parts of an image from being cut off by the fitting method.
- The layouter can now create his own render profiles that can be assigned to the templates. The user can select his preferred render profile when ordering (see above).

Features for administrators
- In order to manage multilingual labels more efficiently, a new menu has been created to display all terms and their translations. The terms can be edited directly in the table by clicking on them. In addition, a separate authorization allows a translator, for example, to access only this area so that he can translate all terms.
- The administration of user groups has been made more user-friendly and the user used to create example publications can now be overridden for each user group.
- In the user administration, several users can now be selected (with Shift or Ctrl) for which the same action is to be performed. When creating a new user, the initial rights of the active (group) administrator are inherited.
- Group administrators can now also view the statistics, depending on their permissions and the areas assigned to them.
- Linked templates can now also be cloned in the template administration.
- When editing elements, a direct connection (for 1-to-1 related values) can optionally be set now. This makes it easier to create subordinate values that are controlled by a relation.

Module updates
- The CELUM Connector is now compatible with CELUM 5+ and supports the new CELUM DAM information fields. The new papilio:connect module is available in CELUM to enable direct access to brix:papilio from CELUM DAM without having to leave the DAM system.
- The Single Sign-on module now supports SAML 2.0 in order to log on to brix:papilio with SSO. In addition to the usual SAML parameters, the import behavior can also be configured so that, for example, group membership can be transferred to the user.
- In the extended statistics analyses module, the pivot table has been extended to 9 dimensions in order to be able to compile in-depth analyses.

Technical improvements
- The rendered PDF of a completed order can be reused in another template to create a publication.
- Any text content (based on its ID) can be obtained from external sources and used in the orders. This eliminates the need to synchronize such data with brix:papilio. They can be queried live from the external system.
- The traceability of e-mail messages is guaranteed.