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Faktoren die das Prozessmanagement beeinflussen

What factors influence the design, execution and optimization of business processes?

18. July 2024 3 minutes

What sets successful companies apart? Beyond dedicated employees, efficient business processes are key. But what factors significantly influence these processes? Learn more in our new article.

Prozessmanagement 5 Saulen

The 5 pillars of process management

16. July 2024 3 minutes

Are your business processes up-to-date? Learn how to optimize your operations, boost efficiency, and drive business growth with the five pillars of process management.

Design Patterns vs Blueprints

Design Patterns vs. Blueprints in the BPMN Context

25. June 2024 2 minutes

Design patterns and blueprints are both useful tools in the BPMN context, but what are the differences?

Teil vs Vollautomatisierung

Partial vs. full automation: finding the right path in process digitalisation

20. June 2024 2 minutes

Partial automation vs. full automation: which path is the right one for your company? Find out more in our blog post.

Syndergien der Prozessautomatisierung

Human and Machine: The Synergy of Process Automation

13. June 2024 3 minutes

Understand process automation options, choose the best fit for your goals, and achieve the ideal mix of human and machine work.

Camunda Con24

Event Recap: Camunda Con 2024

17. May 2024 2 minutes

For the third time in a row, we visited CamundaCon in Berlin - and once again it was a complete success! We gained a lot of new insights and are already looking forward to the next edition in 2025 in Amsterdam. Would you like to learn more about CamundaCon 2024?

Workflow Analytica

Event Recap: Premiere at Workflow Analytica 2024 in Berlin

09. May 2024 2 minutes

Read about our experience at Workflow Analytica 2024

Ausfuehrbares Prozessmodell

Executable process model: What is it and how do I create one?

03. May 2024 2 minutes

Find out how you can create an executable process model in seven steps and use it to optimize and automate your business processes to make them run efficiently, effectively and error-free.

3 Abstraktionsebenen der Prozessdokumentation

Three abstraction levels of process documentation

22. April 2024 3 minutes

More success through documented processes. Our blog post introduces the three abstraction levels of process documentation: strategic, operational and technical. Find out how they differ in depth and detail and how Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) optimizes your process modelling.

Design Patterns

Avoid Typical Errors in Process Models Through Design Patterns

15. April 2024 4 minutes

Learn how to break down and optimise complex processes into manageable elements using design patterns.

Wie Prozessmanagement die Servicequalitat in Unternehmen verbessert

How process management improves service quality in companies

18. March 2024 4 minutes

The key to success in today's business world is well-structured process management in order to increase service quality and stand out from the competition. Find out how efficient processes make the difference.

Datenschutzgesetze Prozesse als Schlussel zur Einhaltung

Data protection laws: processes as the key to compliance

25. January 2024 2 minutes

Are you facing the challenge of adapting to the new Federal Data Protection Act as an SME? As of September 2023, new regulations have been in force that are particularly challenging for SMEs without their own legal department. However, there is support available: the collection of processes provided by HES-SO and brix IT Solution provide clear guidelines to ensure legal compliance and increase data protection awareness. Find out in our example how you can lead your company safely into the future. Take the first step towards compliance in an effective and easy way.

Camunda Champion Summit 2023

Camunda Champions Summit 2023

09. January 2024 1 minute

Discover the upcoming developments in process automation with Camunda! Learn more about the highlights of the first Camunda Champions Summit held on November 28, 2023.


The role of process digitization in the business environment

12. December 2023 2 minutes

Process digitization focuses on the optimization and automation of manual processes through the use of technology. In this blog post, we would like to take a closer look at various facets and the benefits of process digitization.

Prozessvisualisierung Die optimale Softwarewahl

Process visualization – The optimal choice of software

16. October 2023 3 minutes

Discover two tools based on the international BPMN 2.0 standard that will help you visualize your work processes.

Workflow Engine vs RPA

Workflow Engines vs. RPA – what is the difference?

29. September 2023 2 minutes

Increase your company's efficiency in a competitive environment! Learn how Workflow Engines and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can support you and find out which approach ideally fits your digitization strategy.

Digitalisierung von prozessen

Choosing the right modeling standard for process documentation

04. September 2023 2 minutes

Decisive for the success of process documentation is the choice of the appropriate modeling standard. In our latest article, you will learn how to select the optimal standard to efficiently document your processes.

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The different players in business process management

14. August 2023 3 minutes

Find out who is involved in efficient business processes besides process managers and IT professionals, and how they work together to ensure flawless processes.

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Effective recommendations for action to increase privacy compliance

10. August 2023 2 minutes

The protection of personal data is becoming increasingly important in the digital world. With the new Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) coming into force on September 1, companies are faced with the task of adapting to the new regulations to avoid fines. In this article, we present practical recommendations for action to improve your privacy compliance.

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Improving privacy compliance through optimized process flows

27. July 2023 2 minutes

Today, with data privacy and security playing an increasingly important role, it is crucial for companies to ensure privacy compliance. Here you can learn how processes can help to improve this sustainably.

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Save costs and increase efficiency through process orchestration

14. July 2023 2 minutes

How can companies increase efficiency and cut costs in an uncertain economic environment?


Get better privacy compliance in a few steps

27. June 2023 2 minutes

Improve data protection compliance - Learn how to protect your data and comply with policies in just a few steps.

7 Schritte zur Prozessautomatisierung

7 steps to successful process automation

02. June 2023 2 minutes

Process automation aims to execute business processes automatically in order to achieve an increase in efficiency, productivity and quality. We've put together a guide for you that includes seven essential steps for successful process automation.

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Template generator for Camunda Connectors

19. May 2023 1 minute

Our template generator for Camunda Connectors is now available as an open source solution. It makes it easier for Java programmers to develop and maintain connectors with Camunda 8.

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Camunda Community Summit 2023 Recap

16. May 2023 2 minutes

Our BPM team once again took part in the Camunda Community Summit in Berlin. We have summarized the most exciting highlights for you.

Newsletter Titel BPM

6 reasons in favor of a process automation strategy

04. May 2023 2 minutes

A process automation strategy helps to effectively realize benefits and goals related to automating your business processes. Learn why a process automation strategy can be critical to your business in our blog post.


How process automation can make a difference in your business

21. April 2023 2 minutes

There are numerous benefits that process automation can bring to your business. It simplifies the work process, optimizes costs, and makes results more reliable and satisfying. This article will show you the positive effects of process automation on your company.

Datenschutz 700 x 300 px

What steps should you take to comply with the new privacy regulations?

23. March 2023 1 minute

What steps should your organization take to comply with the new data protection requirements?

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Why business process management is becoming increasingly important

28. November 2022 3 minutes

Are you looking for a way to effectively manage business processes? Then business process management (BPM) is just the thing for you! In this article, you will learn more about the importance of business process management and its benefits. We will also introduce you to two helpful BPM tools.

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Different sub-areas of Business Process Management (BPM)

25. November 2022 3 minutes

Business Process Management (BPM) is an important tool for making the entire process lifecycle of a company effective, productive and transparent. But what exactly is BPM and which sub-areas exist?

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CamundaCon 2022 Recap

14. October 2022 1 minute

We look back on exciting days at CamundaCon 2022 in Berlin

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People, processes and data in beautiful Vienna

15. September 2022 3 minutes

September 8 and 9, 2022, the BOC's big strategic partner meeting took place in the beautiful city of Vienna. The meeting has become a hotspot for Business Process Management and has brought together BPM stakeholders from all over the world.


7 steps to a successful process documentation

15. July 2022 2 minutes

We have compiled the most important tips for describing your process here.

Business Process documentation

More transparency with a proper process documentation

14. July 2022 2 minutes

Why is process documentation essential in a company?

Camunda 2

No more outdated and bloated processes!

17. June 2022 1 minute

The phrase «We've always done it this way» often stonewalls processes that have long been outdated.
Through targeted process optimization with a suitable BPM tool, you reduce processing time and improve the quality of results. This will give you a big head start!

Camunda EE vs CE

Differences Camunda CE and EE

18. May 2022 2 minutes

What are actually the differences between Camunda in Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE) regarding features and services?

Camunda 8

Camunda 8 comes

27. April 2022 2 minutes

Camunda releases version 8, completely revised, redesigned and equipped with many new BPM features.

Which innovations and advantages does Camunda 8 bring? What do you have to consider when switching?

We have the answers for you.

ADONIS Suite 6

The best reasons and tips for ADONIS BPMS

20. April 2022 2 minutes

How does ADONIS BPMS help me for my business processes? And how do I get the most out of the tool?

Automate any process banner3

Top 5 reasons for using Camunda

27. January 2022 2 minutes

Why does my company need the Camunda platform? Here you can find the top 5 reasons.

BPM Prozesskosten

Reduce process costs with BPM

26. November 2021 3 minutes

How can a reduction in process costs – as an elementary issue in business relationships – be achieved by optimizing processes?

Camunda update 2

Update: Camunda Platform 7.16

21. October 2021 2 minutes

Find out here which innovations and improvements the Camunda Platform Update to version 7.16 brings to the BPM world.

Grafik BPMS after

Business Process Management with Camunda

18. June 2020 1 minute

Ever heard of BPM and Camunda? Let us briefly explain what it is all about.

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Business Process Management – the path to the digital future

04. June 2020 2 minutes

Gain a competitive advantage in the digital era with Business Process Management.

Read the Business Process Management press release